How to start?... hmmmm.. This might be a long intro but just bare with me for a minute or two. Basically, Zeon's Toy Chest is me and my son's toy collecting/buying adventures :)
It started out when he was about a year old (he just started walking) and we were at the toy section of our local mall. He grabbed something out of a shelf and didn't want to let it go so I decided to buy it for him. What was the toy you might ask? It was a red Hot Wheels diecast car. From then on, whenever we go to the mall, I would buy one car for him.
We hadn't opened any cars yet at first since he doesn't know how to play with cars at that time and would just throw everything he gets his hands on :). We didn't actually keep count until one day we decided to put everything in a box and it occupied a whole box. That was when we dedided to keep on collecting for him and eventually give him all the cars we had collected on his 3rd birthday. He also started noticing the cars more so I would buy some extras/doubles of cars whenever we have a chance so he can open it. We've decided to get extras instead for "practice" playing :D. That way, when he opens it on his 3rd birthday, all will look brand new :)
So the goal was a 100 cars for each year (300 for 3 years old) and I have just reached that mark last week but we are still collecting as this was both enjoying for us and at the same time something I can do with my son when he grows up.
So with this in mind, I will be posting some of our adventures here and some photos and reviews of his toys to document our adventures together :)
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